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    Community Innovation Programme

The DTI Community Innovation Project is an initiative to help unleash immense strength and potential of our trainees. We are living in times when continuous innovation is vital for the health of an individual, society and nation alike. The focus is on key thematic challenges in target sectors (agriculture, water and sanitation, plastic recycling, e-waste, etc.) and involves deep-dive sector scans and engagements with local residents to co-design youth-led solutions for community-based problems. The idea is to ground DTI’s training and support on issues and opportunities already existing in these communities.

of our community engagement is to build a portfolio of innovative grassroots startups incubated by the DTI Incubation Hub and supported with seed capital, business development services, access to market, and a makerspace or work shed to help grow promising new innovations from startup ideation into sustainable businesses. This business support incubator is a standalone function operating as DTI ‘Community Innovations Hub Space’, accessible to not just DTI startups but to other entrepreneurs and startups solving job-creating grassroots problems. This will eventually serve as a pipeline to unearth youth entrepreneurs who will serve as enablers towards solving youth unemployment. Successful solutions are scaled to a wider commercial, industrial level at the DTI Incubation Hub. Seasoned businessmen, engineers and experts in related fields support the teams to work on their products.

The Startup Business Competition is to bring out the innovative and creative abilities in students and to encourage participation in the application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to solve problems pertaining to industry.

Aims of DTI Community Innovation Project:
  • To empower learners to create innovative solutions to problems existing within their community, local industries and the country through the application of knowledge and skills gained in their areas of study.
  • To encourage students to develop the enthusiasm and skills of entrepreneurship as a solution to unemployment in the country.